This study's objective was to determine seasonal and diurnal vs. nocturnal home range size, as well as predation for free-ranging farm cats at a livestock unit in Northwest Georgia. Seven adult cats were tracked with attached GPS units for up to two weeks for one spring and two summer seasons from May 2010 through August 2011. Three and five cats were tracked for up to two weeks during the fall and winter seasons, respectively. Feline scat was collected during this entire period. Cats were fed a commercial cat food daily. There was no seasonal effect (P > 0.05) on overall (95% KDE and 90% KDE) or core home range size (50% KDE). Male cats tended (P = 0.08) to have larger diurnal and nocturnal core home ranges (1.09 ha) compared to female cats (0.64 ha). Reproductively intact cats (n = 2) had larger (P
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Farm Animal WelfareFarm animals provide an important and nutritious source of protein. There is growing public interest in how food is produced and consumers have questions about whether current practices match their values and expectations about the well-being of farm animals. Animal science plays a central role in guiding these practices, but does not always provide clear direction. Increasingly, animal welfare decisions are being considered through a combination of science and ethics.
4FDA Guidance for Industry #209: The Judicious Use of Medically Important Antimicrobial Drugs in Food-Producing Animals. -information/search-fda-guidance-documents/cvm-gfi-209-judicious-use-medically-important-antimicrobial-drugs-food-producing-animalsAccessed May 6, 2015.
Stakeholder Consultation on Environmental Sustainability InitiativesWalmart seeks to go beyond compliance to shape its sustainability commitments and programs. To achieve this goal, Walmart works with a broad group of stakeholders to advise and shape its environmental sustainability programs. These stakeholders include customers, associates, NGOs, government officials, investors, suppliers, farmers, academics, think tanks, peer companies, grantees and others. By consulting and collaborating with individuals and organizations with broad viewpoints on important issues, Walmart can better form and implement beneficial environmental policies.
We have committed to work alongside other retailers to make the overall industry safer, including sharing our own best practices. This system navigates tens of millions of possible combinations of federal, state and local laws, regulations and licensing requirements that come into effect based on where a firearm is sold and who is purchasing. We hope that freely sharing this information will help more retailers sell firearms in a responsible, compliant manner.
2. Maintaining and reporting comprehensive records about the volume of soy and verification of deforestation and conversion-free soy sold to Walmart, as well as the origin (production farm and crushing plant). Annually demonstrate deforestation and conversion-free sourcing to the plantation of origin through traceability reports or verifiable geospatial monitoring tools.
Supporting Landscape and Place-Based ApproachesIn addition to the supply chain actions listed above, Walmart encourages suppliers to engage in place-based approaches (both at the jurisdictional and landscape-level) to leverage positive change beyond individual supply chains and to help accelerate deforestation-free commodity production systems at scale.
This information does not create an express or implied contract of employment or any other contractual commitment. Walmart may modify this information at its sole discretion without notice, at any time, consistent with applicable law. Employment with Walmart is on an at-will basis, which means that either Walmart or the associate is free to terminate the employment relationship at any time for any or no reason, consistent with applicable law.
We respect the basic rights of workers as those rights are defined under applicable law in the countries in which we operate and from which we source the products we sell. Those basic rights include freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, the effective abolition of underage labor and the elimination of discrimination in respect to employment and occupation.
We recognize there are different views about freedom of association. Our view is, consistent with applicable law, that Walmart respects the rights of associates to join, form or not to join an employee association or trade union of their choice without interference. Associates should exercise these rights in an informed manner, and with the benefit of thoughtful consideration and available information. In the exercise of these rights, we believe in the free exchange of ideas, opinions and information, provided there is no interference.
Sustainable Row CropsSuccessfully transitioning to a system that is less resource-intensive and built on a foundation of healthy soil and long-term productivity will require the active support of all participants in the agricultural system, including farmers, food processors, distributers, retailers, consumers, government, and those who work with farmers.
Through our membership in the Midwest Row Crop Collaborative, we will continue to work with leaders across the agricultural supply chain and NGO community to develop and scale up new approaches to farming that build soil health and long-term productivity, protect water, address climate change, and support farm families.
A wide variety of farming practices can drive improved environmental and economic outcomes in row crop production. Often, these practices are geographically dependent. Accordingly, we will encourage adoption of the following farming practices in our supply chain where appropriate as well as encourage suppliers to support the practices that could prove most impactful locally.
d. Help educate customers about pollinator plants for home gardens. In the spring of 2021, more than 1.3 million annual and perennial neonic-free plants for sale in our stores will carry tags to help customers identify plants that attract pollinators. We will explore other initiatives, online and in store, to engage and educate customers.
A survey to measure attitudes toward farm animal welfare was developed. We targeted animal science faculty because of their influence on animal production in the United States. We initially interviewed 34 faculty members from a large Midwestern public university to assist with questionnaire development. After our written survey was developed, we pilot-tested our questionnaire at this same university. Thereafter, we sent an e-mail advance notice, first survey, and follow-up survey/thank-you to the national population of animal science faculty members. With an n = 446 (response rate = 45%), we observed the following: 51% (for layer birds), 58% (for meat birds), 66% (for swine), 84% (for dairy), 86% (for sheep), and 87% (for beef) of our respondents agreed that the predominant methods used to produce various types of animal products provided appropriate levels of animal welfare. Our findings showed that greater than 90% of respondents support general principles of animal welfare, such as keeping animals free from unnecessary fear and distress. However, specific practices that have been shown to elicit distress (e.g., castration without anesthetic) were deemed a concern by only 32% of the respondents. Various industry practices/outcomes were assessed for level of concern and varied from a high of 83% of respondents agreeing that flooring effects on lameness in intensively farmed animals are a concern, to a low of 16% agreeing that early weaning in pigs is a concern. Summed attitude scores showed significant relationships with the demographic variables of gender (P
Maury County Sheriff's investigators said Thursday that 58-year-old James Michael Tait pleaded no contest on Monday and was given 10 years of probation. Forty-four-year-old Kenny Thomason, the farm owner, pleaded guilty on Tuesday and was given 2 years of probation.
With forests, fields, a stream, greenhouses and a barn full of animals, district-owned Great Kids Farm allows students to enjoy the outdoors while connecting farm and plate. A favorite field trip destination, the Farm also hosts Summits throughout the school year, when students from many schools come together for a day of collaborative learning with local experts. 2ff7e9595c